Mole Facts and Control Methods

Moles are small, burrowing mammals that are known for their ability to create tunnels underground. While they may be cute to some, moles can wreak havoc on lawns and gardens, causing damage to plant roots and creating unsightly mounds of earth on the surface. In this article, we'll share some interesting facts about moles and…

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How is climate change affecting Wasps in England?

Climate change is having a significant impact on many species of insects, including wasps in England. Wasps play an important role in the ecosystem as pollinators and predators of other insects, so changes in their populations can have far-reaching effects. One way that climate change is affecting wasps is through changes in their life cycle.…

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Mouse control in Swindon

Mice infestations are a common problem faced by many households and businesses in Swindon. These tiny pests can cause significant damage to properties, contaminate food, and spread diseases. To tackle this problem, Mission Pest Control is here to provide effective and efficient solutions to control mice in Swindon. Mission Pest Control has been providing pest…

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Preventing rats getting into your office

Preventing rats from getting into your office requires a combination of physical barriers and good sanitation practices. Here are some specific steps you can take: Seal off entry points: Inspect the exterior of your office building and look for gaps, cracks, or holes that rats could use to get inside. Use materials such as steel…

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